Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014 Busy as Bees - or - I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing

Several days ago we made plans to host a "spring fling luncheon" for the neighbors at our outdoor space.

By the way: I learned the proper name for our outdoor living space...palapa--pa lapa.  It is Spanish for outdoor living area.  That's the name/word I have been searching for.

Chef Gary and sous chef Evelyn were in charge of baking prime rib, and preparing horsey-sauce.  We provided the baking potatoes.  Neighbors brought corn casserole, green pea salad, homemade bread, Jell-o pretzel salad/dessert, fruit salad, pineapple upside-down cake, homemade ice cream, and another cake.  

It was all delicious.  The prime rib was superb.  Thanks, again, Gary and Evelyn.  

After lunch everyone (18 of us) sat around and visited until 3:30.

At least we didn't have to tell anyone to leave....because we had different company coming at 5:30.  Fred and Gay wanted to do a "shrimp boil" for the four of us plus other friends Bill and Joy; but wanted to "do" it at our place as we could be outdoors in our palapa.  

Fred and Gay brought all the fixings: shrimp, corn on the cob, red potatoes, and sausage.  Glen cooked it on the propane camp stove outdoors.  It was scrumptious.  I prepared cole slaw; Joy brought crostini (toasted bread) and spinach/artichoke dip.  We were all so full that we didn't even eat dessert.

I can't believe prime rib and shrimp boil all in the same day.  

Fred and Gay wanted to do all this as both Bill/Joy and Evelyn/Gary are leaving next week.  

Bill and Joy didn't stay long after dinner.  The six of us then went indoors for three games of 19-point pitch.  

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