Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 5, 2014 Indoor Day

Glen and Gary finished the roofing project this afternoon for neighbors Glenda and Milton from Nebraska.  Those neighbors are experiencing health issues that prevented them from helping with the project.  

Glenda is having gall bladder surgery tomorrow. Milton is facing leg surgery.  

Friend Fred flew from Laredo Monday to Tulsa Oklahoma to attend a funeral Tuesday.  He flew back to Laredo tonight arriving at 10:15 p.m..

We drove Gay to airport to meet Fred tonight.  It took an hour to go to and from airport.  

We were signed up for and paid to go on a bus tour tomorrow (Thursday). After riding the bus to Mission we were going on a 50' pontoon boat ride on the Rio Grande River.  But the temps tomorrow are forecast to be in the mid-40's with rain.

Now you folks in the Midwest are wishing for these kind of temperatures, I know; but the tour director felt it would be miserable and cancelled the tour.  It is rescheduled for Feb 27.  

Stay warm, stay off of the icy/snow roads; check on your neighbor.  We watch the Weather Channel and shudder at what family and friends are enduring.

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