Thursday, March 13, 2014

3-13-2014 The last of the season Thursday night Jam Session

This winter season is slowly coming to a close.  Isn't everyone ready for the end of Winter!!

Tonight was the last of the Thursday night Jam Sessions'.  Fred and Gay are going home to Oklahoma Monday.  Boy, are we going to miss them!

Tonight Phil and Nancy from Colorado joined the session. 

Not only can Phil and Nancy sing, they are outstanding b-b-q chefs.  Their regular job in Colorado is bar-b-queing.  They have their own smoker, and their own serving table trailer.  

Tonight they furnished brisket, and ribs.  Oh, how delicious.  And, they make their own sauce (3 flavors) for the meat.  There was "pot luck" side dishes to go with the bar-b-que.  

Yesterday we went to Laredo for needed refills for meds.  Of course, there were a few other stops/errands.  Lunch was at Montana Mikes, a steak house.  

I am going to have some instruction on uploading or downloading - whichever is proper- from my phone to the blog.  I have a video from the jam session I would like to share with you.  

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