Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3-19-2014 Preparations have begun.

I don't alway read the-day-before blog, but just did.  I apologize for the tiny print.  Don't know how it got changed.  Sorry.

It is time to begin thinking about leaving Zapata.  The next month is going to be beautiful here  The wildflowers are blooming; the grass is beginning to be green; trees are beginning to bloom; but.....

Missouri is going to be beautiful also.  At least I will assume the extreme winter didn't kill the dogwoods and red buds and other flowering shrubs and plants.

But, the biggest reason are the families we are missing.  As some of you know we are going to drive to Alaska this summer.  We need to get in some huggin' and kissin' with all of the grandkids, and their parents before heading "north to Alaska".  

We are slowly getting all of the things used during the winter season returned to their proper place, whether it will stay here in Texas or go back inside the motor home.  

Glen mowed the yard; it is mostly weeds and buffel grass but it looks better after the trim.  He used the power washer on the outside of the storage shed and cleaned the mower for summer storage.  

I have cleaned and rearranged the outside kitchen.  The (outside) refrigerator is empty except for some soda.  Spices and baking items have been moved back to the motor home.  Etc, Etc, Etc.  

I am not looking forward to telling our neighbors, La La and Luis, that live just west of us "good-bye".  I am not certain we will see them again.  Their age is showing; La La is using a cane.  Luis gets slower and slower each day.  I am not sure of their age.  Mid 80's maybe?

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