Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3-26-2014 One of Those Days

Brady and Glen after some quality music time.

Look!  I had a lesson on how to download pictures from my phone to the computer from the above-mentioned Brady!  He knows all things related to computers and internet technology.

Thank you, dear Brady, for assisting with the hands-on lesson.

It has been one of those days.  We mostly stayed in all day.  Glen went out this afternoon with the intention of washing part of the motorhome.  He wasn't gone long when he came indoors with frozen hands,  and rain drops all over his jacket.

Brady and Tanner spent the day with their dad.  Trisha ran errands.  Jeff was gone all day on a business flight.

We ate dinner with Trisha and Jeff.  Brady and Tanner came by here after returning from their's dad's.

We shall see what tomorrow holds.

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