Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014 No Jacket Required

Might be a little "hands" from the other team against Zade (with glasses)

Goalie Zade just kicked out the ball.

Goalie Zade with a save!

Sometimes goalie, sometimes coach!  Giving directions.

Big sister Ashlynn cheering from the sidelines.

Zade with end of season team trophy.

This is a team of kindergarteners.  It was fun to watch today.  They have learned to play position, and as a team.  Regular season ended today.  Now, there is "all star" team play.  Think the team Zade is playing on has three tournaments lined up.

I must mention the weather at this point.  No jacket needed today.  In fact a light sunburn showed up on some cheeks, noses, and arms.  There was a high of 82 degrees.

After soccer, and a quick lunch, we hurried back to Darin's house.  He and Sarah had advertised and sold in one day their living room furniture.  The buyers?  Glen's niece (daughter of younger brother, Paul) Charity from St. Charles, MO.  They came to load it and take it back to Charity's house.  

They had time for a good visit before heading north.

Spring must be here.  Darin and Glen removed the hard top from Darin's jeep, and installed the soft top, which is more warm weather friendly.  

Ashlynn and Sarah worked on Rice Krispy Easter Eggs treats this afternoon.  That is what we had for dessert tonight.  

It been a full day, filled with sunshine and memories.  Even the work was fun.  

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