Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014 Signs Winter is Truly Over

This is Ashlynn, age 7, tonight getting ready for swim lessons.  I think the gappy smile is wonderful!

Maybe, just maybe, winter is truly over!  There are so many shrubs and trees and flowers in bloom.  We, speaking generally, are so ready for color after the coldness, drab browns, dirty snow.  Even the yellow of dandelions are a welcome sight.

This morning in the RV park a propane company was picking up propane tanks for summer storage.  

People are mowing yards.  The neighbor across the street from our son's mowed his yard last Saturday morning.  And, he mowed it again this afternoon.

People are washing vehicles, expecting them to stay shiny for a few days--until the next rain.  Glen has gone over the bottom half of the motor home with a waterless cleaner and shiner.  (He got as high as he could without a ladder.)

Of course there is sports...soccer, baseball, swim lessons (indoors), biking, jogging.  

We are leaving here in the morning.  We are heading to south of Kansas City where Evelyn and Gary live.  Have I mentioned they have sold their home and 7 acres?  They are downsizing and will be hosting an auction Saturday morning.  We are not planning on buying anything---where would we put it?but going for moral support!

We will be back next week.  The RV park is holding our spot for us.

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