Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014 The 'Taters Wagons Rolled

Have you heard the expression "the 'tater wagons are rolling!"?  I grew up hearing that from my parents during spring thunder storms.  

Thunder rolled and lightning strikes were bright on and off during the day's thunderstorms and rains.  There was lots of wind during the morning hours.  

The farmers have been busy, preparing fields the past few days.  All of the corn planted will be growing quickly with today's rains.

We went to Gary and Evelyn's this morning.  Glen, Gary and Evelyn made several trips to the storage area with boxes not going to the auction.

Today's special at "Gray's Diner" in Butler Mo was Fried Chicken.  Gray's Diner is the place where the locals eat lunch; the place you want to know about when you drive through a small town; the place where you have to get there early before the "special" is sold out!

The fried chicken was delicious and very crispy.  The side dishes were scrumptious, also.

We will be going back to Gary and Evelyn's tomorrow.  It will be a sunny day; great for the final moving of the boxes to either the storage area or to the auction tables.  

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