Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5/13/214 Last of Dental Appointments

Today was the last of the dental appointments for this spring.  

Dr. Gary replaced an old filling that had cracked.  We made appointments for the middle of November, just six months away.  I am sure those days will fly by.

Better than it being the last dental appointment was the visit with our friend Pat, Dr. Gary's wife, who was working in the office.  We caught up on our children, exchanged a few grandchildren's stories, talked RV's and trips.  Dr. Gary was busy with other patients, but we did visit a few minutes.

We returned to Cape Girardeau as soon as the appointment/visiting was finished.  The upper lip was numb all the way, but did manage lunch when we returned. 

There was time for a short rest, then picked up Zade and Ashlynn at after-school care, took them to their home.  Poppy watched Zade play "2013 baseball" on the Wii.  I "helped" Ashlynn with math homework.  Thankfully I still understand what she is doing.  Also thankfully she didn't need any help.  She really just likes company as she does the work.

Counting coins! It is hard to believe she is learning that in first grade!.  

The other side of the page was English.  Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings...are those called "homonoyms"?  

There was time for a make-up session before dinner.  Sarah and Darin are in trouble.  A little sparkly eyeliner and eye shadow , a little shiny lip gloss made Ashlynn very grown up!  There was a hint of what Ashlynn will be at age 16.  We chose our favorite lotion fragrance.  THEN Ashlynn rubbed it into my feet and legs.  She had a pedicure not long ago and learned the joy  massage.  Boy, do I enjoy it too.   I asked where they went for their pedicure and did she like it?  Her reply:  "Mimi, I didn't like it.  I LOVED it!"

We left at bedtime for Ashlynn and Zade.  Boy, are we going to miss those two precious grandchildren when we leave.  


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