Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/28/2014 Half Right, or Half Wrong (Back in Greenwood AR)

We followed the directions on the GPS as we left the Lake View RV Park in Houston.  We turned right, commenting that we had never gone on that street before.  

Almost immediately traffic was backing up, finally coming to a standstill.  

If you have listened to national news today then you are aware of all of the flood warnings for Houston.  We awakened at 3:30 a.m. to the hardest rain, the constant thunder than we had experienced in a long time.  It continued for hours.

As we were creeping along the street the ditches on both sides were filled with water, sometimes to the edge of the road.  Shortly traffic in front of us started turning around to go in the direction we had just come from.  I got the binoculars, looking ahead, and seeing, yes, water across both lanes of traffic.  

You can see by the pictures above that we had to drive through.  There was no other option.  There was no place for us to turn around.  We watched other vehicles drive through so we knew we could make it.  Oncoming traffic waited for us to drive through the middle of the pavement, making sure we didn't get off the edge.

The last picture is with the door open, looking behind us!  Trisha tells us tonight that the flooding in Houston has been on the news all day.

Just to make it official....we hate the traffic in big cities, especially in Houston.  Of course this morning we were driving in prime time.  

Now for my apology...I complained Sunday night about the condition of Highway 59 south from Carthage Texas, all the way to Houston.  I was half right--or half wrong.  It is just the southbound lanes that are that rough.  Going north today, the road/lanes were much better!  

We drove in and out of rain all day today.  We arrived back in Greenwood AR about six this evening.  We were able to eat dinner with our daughter, and then enjoy a short visit with Brady and Tanner.  Brady was busy with reading "Lord of the Flies", preparing for a test tomorrow.  

Everyone is ready for school to be out.  Finals are next week.  The last day of school is June 10.  

Glen was in good shape today; the site for the bone marrow extraction was tender.  He drove all 475 miles today.  

We finalized plans with Trisha for their flight into Anchorage.  Their entire family are flying to Anchorage, renting a Class C motor home, and spending 13 days there. We are checking out their MH, meeting them at the airport, and getting them to the campground that night.  The fun then begins.

It is on to Missouri in the morning!

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