Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5/7/2014 Baseball

Tonight was Zade's first baseball game of the season.  Others have been scheduled but between heavy rains and field damage the first few were cancelled.

Darin is one of the coaches of the team.  After watching tonight all I can say is: "it is like herding cats!"  

There are a few that can actually catch a ball and throw accurately and hit a ball with the bat..  There are a few that are interested in learning how to do that.  There are a few that wants to know "when will the game be over", and there are two that do not give a flip about rules or learning how to follow rules.

At this age the coach pitches the first five balls.  If there isn't a hit by then, the ball is placed on the tee and the batter then hits the ball.  There are no outs.  The batter/hitter can only run one base at a time.  Each team plays all players, and all players bat each inning.

Like I said...."herding cats!"  

Zade, #4, first baseman

Slugger!  Zade

Glen has taken on the project of waxing the motor home.  It's a little each day, but he is making progress.

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