Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014 The Best Day Yet

It has been the best day yet! 

The sun shined all day!

It was an 11-bear day.

Mt. Denali could be seen at all the viewing points this morning.  By afternoon the clouds were returning to surround it.  It was a mere 35 miles away.

Animals seen today: grizzlies-11, counting - babies; Arctic fox-2; pica-a small rat-sized rodent that looks like a rabbit with short ears; caribou-3 dozen; moose-8; Dall sheep-a dozen; red squirrels; golden eagle-2; horned lark, mew gulls.

We rode a school bus 66 miles  into the interior of Mt. Denali, on the only road into the park. Wayne, the bus driver,  was extremely knowledgeable, and presented info all day.  

Here's a few chosen pictures from the nearly 100 I shot.

Mom with 15-month old twins.

Mt. Denali is only visible 20 percent of the time.  It makes it own weather and is often cloaked in clouds.

At 20,320' Mt. Denali dwarfs the other mountains.

These twins were born in April.

Mom of the above twins.

Arctic fox.

The are snow-white in winter.

If I stop behind this pipe all those people on the bus can't see me.

Caribou often seek out the snow for coolness and to keep away insects.

Brady, Natalie, Tanner, Landon

Notice sunrise/sunset times!

It has been a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog! Can"t wait until we head for Alaska in August! Be safe and make lots of memories with your family! Ronnie and Karen
