Monday, June 30, 2014

June 29, 2014 Reporting Along the Road

June 29, 2014  It’s De Ja Vue All Over Again*

*Yogi Berra

We are traveling north on the road we just came south on this last Friday.  Somehow it looks different from the motor home!

It’s been a four bear day, one lynx, and one big bull moose that we didn’t see in time to get a picture.

Glen reports that the motor home is running smoothly, with lots of power.

The refrigerator is smelling much better.  There is now crumpled newspaper in all sections, along with coffee grounds in a bowl in the two freezer compartments.  Thanks to our niece, Suzanne, for that suggestion.  I have hope that it might be useable again.  Last night I wasn’t so sure.

We are enjoying fresh ripe sweet cherries.  We saw a sign along the road yesterday morning advertising “sweet cherries ¼ mile”.  We stopped to check out the claim.  Indeed they were local cherries, had just been picked.  There were also plums, peaches, and nectarines.  It was a wise decision to choose cherries.

I haven’t mentioned how many bicyclists there are going both north and south.  We talked to two young men at a rest area to find where they had started and how far they were going.  “Anchorage to California” was their reply.  We wanted badly to ask “why” but didn’t.   

Here’s a few funny signs/names we have seen today.
   +Wononwon—the name of a town.  Don’t you wonder how that was chosen?
   +”Wild Game Hanging Cooler”.  In this land of hunting, I guess it would take an oversized cooler for a big bull moose.
   +”Poisonous H.S Gas”. Posted at the beginning of a gravel road turning off the highway.  This brings to mind several questions.  Who put up the sign? Did they have to wear a gas mask?  Does the poisonous gas recognize the highway and stop there? 
     +RAPP—report all poachers and polluters

I hope I can find the words to make you see a sight we saw Friday.  We were so taken aback that we didn’t even grab the camera.

We were going south in an area with several vehicles going north.  I said to Glen, “look at that motorhome.  What is going on?”  After a few seconds Glen replies, “there is a man sitting on the roof of the motorhome.”  After a second quick look, sure enough there is man sitting astraddle the air conditioner unit , facing the front, waving at everyone that they met.

 Can you get that picture in your mind? Another situation that brings to mind “why?”.

We are stopped along beautiful Mucho Lake for the night.  We have enjoyed our supper with the windows open.  There is no sitting outdoors as the state bird—the mosquito and all his friends—would eat you alive.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you are back in your 'home' and on the road again. Have been following your adventures and enjoy reading about them. Our cruise begins on August 9 and we are hoping for a break in the rain and it doesn't look too promising from what we've been seeing. At least we have a suite and have lots of windows so that should help. Safe travels.
    The Stagners
