Monday, July 21, 2014

7/21/2014 Bus Trip to Eielson Visitor's Center, Denali NP

Late night:  people at an RV site just across from us were loud and noisy until after 1 a.m.

Early morning: We reported to the Wilderness Access Center at 8:15 a.m. We boarded a bus going 66 miles one way into the interior of Denali National Park and Preserve.  The turnaround was at Eielson Visitor's Center.  The actual end of the road is at the 90-mile marker.  It was a good choice not to ride farther.

One: it was not a good day as far as viewing wildlife.  We saw three grizzly bears, far away, two moose, and multitudes of caribous.  Oh, and one golden eagle on the ground and several in the air.  

Pictures will be posted when the WIFI  situation is better, meaning when we are in Fairbanks tomorrow.

Two: the bus driver was not interested in finding animals, only in keeping to the schedule.  We couldn't stop to see "any more caribou because we have already seen them, and we are behind schedule."  

Of course the scenery doesn't change with bus drivers, only with weather.  Although there was sunshine, and we say "thank you" for that there was a haze or clouds over Mt. Denali.  We had to be content to only see the base of THE mountain.  The top 2/3 was never visible.  

There has been fresh snow cover on the tops of the high mountains the past couple of mornings, which enhances the beauty of the mountain scenery.  Pictures later.

Jeff, Marcella, Gary, Evelyn arrived at the WAC (Wilderness Access Center) at 6:45 a.m. to leave at 7:00.  They (except for Gary) were hoping to arrive at Eileson Visitor's Center early enough to sign up for a ranger-led hike up over the mountain.  However the walk was filled by the time they arrived.  I know they hiked anyway, because we saw Gary at lunch; but don't know where or how long they hiked.  I hope they were more successful seeing wildlife.  

I will do pictures separately tomorrow, assuming there is power, wonder working power in the next RV park.

We are traveling to Fairbanks tomorrow.  We understand there are many miles of road construction between here and there.  It's only 110-115 miles or so.  We will be there five nights.

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