Saturday, July 26, 2014

7/25/2014 The Rest of the Day

I was right.  The rest of Friday has been routine, mundane, unexciting!

We drove to a wildlife refuge on the edge of Fairbanks.  It is the wrong time of year for a variety of birds to be there.  We did see 18 sand hill cranes and two lesser yellowlegs, violet-green and tree swallows..  This is not of interest to our non-birding friends.

There was also a summer camp taking place around the visitor's center.  There was no chance of seeing anything there.

Myrna: no crossbills of any color!  There is talk everywhere regarding the colder and wetter than usual summer.  

The next stop was at Fred Meyers.  Think of a cross between Walmart and Penney's.  The chain is owned by Kroger.  We finally are convinced the refrigerator is going to stay working, and bought some groceries.  Remember everything had been tossed.

Dinner tonight was at "The Loose Moose".  It features burgers of exotic meats:  buffalo, reindeer, and moose.  These exotic meats are very lean so either beef or pork is added for moisture.  Our buffalo mushroom and Swiss burger was delicious. We split the 1/2 pound burger.

Morning will come quickly as we are to be at the office of the RV park at 6:45 a.m. to be picked up for an all day adventure.  

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