Monday, July 28, 2014

7/27/2014 Truly a Day of Rest

This is the last day and night in Fairbanks.  The days have passed by swiftly.  

We haven't yet decided where we are headed when we leave here in the morning.  There have been many discussions on possibilities.  

At nine o'clock Monday morning (because that is when the office opens.  They are closed today.)  we are checking with the Alaskan Ferry System to check on possibilities of traveling on the ferry part of the way back to the lower 48.  The answers from them will determine our route. At this point Jim and Dee will be traveling with us.  If it doesn't work out to get on the ferry, then we will leave with the rest of the gang.  Stay tuned to see where in the world we will be.

Gary and Evelyn are leaving to the south east, heading toward Tok, then Haines.  They are boarding the ferry at Haines and riding to Prince Rupert , British Columbia, then making a beeline toward their home.

Jeff and Marcella are traveling part of the way with Gary and Evelyn.  They are not going on the ferry.  We will probably meet up with them again at some point. 

Even though it has only been in the 50's and mostly cloudy, we have enjoyed being outdoors in our loungers, visiting with everyone.  There was a music session. 

Jeff and Jim cooked halibut for everyone.  The rest of us furnished side dishes  The halibut was excellent, and the rest delicious.  You could say it was the "last supper".  lol

It is going to be sad in the morning to see the Framily Caravan split into two directions (maybe).

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