Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 14, 2014 Back in the USA! (Johnson's of St. Mary RV Park, St. Mary, Montana)

We arrived in the USA around 1:00 this afternoon.  We left Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, at eight this morning.  There was a couple of happening on this trip.

At Fort McCleod we planned to go to the west while Jim and Dee were going to the east.  However, in Calgary we breezed through a signal light and Jim and Dee were stopped by the red light.  Over the walkie-talkie Dee says, "go ahead, we will catch you."  Nope.  Didn't happen.  We drove slow and never saw them.

I hope they aren't still wandering around Calgary!  I know they aren't.  They are seasoned travelers and found their way, I know (I hope!) lol.

The other happening....
as we approached the customs/border patrol crossing at Carcross, Montana, there was only one line open; the one designated for automobiles.  The motorhome is wider than a car. The lane for commercial vehicles and wider vehicles is closed.

Are you beginning to see what is going to happen.  Glen eased up in the lanes to the yellow pipes guiding the way.  I say, "Glen, you aren't going to make it."  Clunk. Nope, the mirror hit the right pipe.  After backing a very few inches he is able to pull forward, squeezing through with a few centimeters on either side.  The only damage is some yellow paint on the mirror.  He was able to straighten the mirror and put it back into the correct position.  

We are at an RV park at the east end of Glacier National Park.  When we were here in June the 50-mile "Going to the Sun" road was closed due to snow and road construction.  Plans for tomorrow are to travel this very scenic road.

We won't be alone.  Marcella (Glen's sister just younger than him) and Jeff are also this park.  they have been here for three days already.  They did an 11.5 mile hike yesterday.

As much as we have enjoyed Alaska and Canada...and we have enjoyed every minute of the travels....we are happy to have cell service and internet again!  Hurray, we are connected again.

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