Saturday, September 6, 2014

9-6-2014 Picnic and grandchildren

Glen attended the annual picnic/gathering of the employees/retirees of M & A Electric Power Cooperative today at Lake Wappapello, MO..  He reports there was a good number of attendees, both retirees and employees.

The menu for the lunch included ribs, chicken, pork steaks, potato casserole, slaw, green beans, dessert: all catered by "Strawberry's Bar-B-Que" of Holcomb, MO, as well as catfish catered by Unknown--Glen didn't know.   He said it was all delicious.  

He enjoyed seeing familar faces and catching up on happenings,and events with everyone.  

I stayed in Cape Girardeau to keep Ashlynn and Zade company while Darin and Sarah each had separate appointments.  

Hurray!  The high temperature for the day was only 78 degrees.  What a difference 24 hours makes.  There has been no rain.  

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