Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 Just Like the Book!

We went to the movies' this afternoon.

Did you read the book "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn?  We went to the movie by the same name.  It was filmed (partly) in Cape Girardeau, MO, where our son and family lives.

The time spent filming made quite an impact on the city of Cape Girardeau.  You can pick up a brochure that describes a "Gone Girl" tour!

Darin, as media officer for the police department, had some interaction with the production company.  Actual CG police cars were used; several of the policemen in the movie were actual policemen; Darin spent a day as a driver of a police car with Ben Afleck with filming from several different camera angles; but for some reason Ben made the movie, but Darin didn't.  :}

Just like the book, the movie has several twists, turns, and plots.  It could have been just as good a movie without all the foul language and sex scenes, but that isn't the way Hollywood does it.    Forewarned: it is "R" rated for a reason!

There is already specualation around Cape Girardeau that a sequel is in the works!

Since Friday night there has been 6.34 inches of rain!

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