Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014 Dinner with Trisha and Jeff

We enjoyed dinner tonight with Trisha and Jeff at "AJ's Seafood" in downtown Ft. Smith. AR

There was oysters on the half-shell, oysters Rockefeller, crab cakes, oyster basket, and shrimp basket shared by Jeff and Trisha.  Glen enjoyed a shrimp basket, and I had a very delicious oyster basket.

A company that picks up what's left from a garage sale came to Jeff's father's house today.  We met them to let them in the house.  The house is now about empty.  The few remaining things will be sorted for taking to their house or trashed.  The house will then be for sale.

We haven't seen much of Landon, Brady, or Tanner this week.  They have homework each evening and we do not need to break up the routine of getting that done.

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