Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5, 2014 Intermittent Internet

Sometimes the WIFI works, most of the time it doesn't.  If it does, it is very s-l-o-w!.

It was a great day on the farm yesterday.

We enjoyed breakfast around Jan's table with Aunt Lois, cousin Diana, and Jan and Bruce.

Later in the day we drove to the location of Mom's home.  The house is no longer there.  Niece Megan and hubby Ian tore down the 75-plus year old house and rebuilt a beautful home there.  It is good to have family still there.

And we got to see baby Reed, three months old, the lastest great-grandchild for my mom.

In the afternoon Bruce and Jan worked on picking up some debris left after some dozer work, then Bruce sowed grass seed.

In between all of the activities three heifers (first-time mommas) delivered calves.  Two of the deliveries were did not survive.  Such is life on a farm.  The death of a newborn calf is not only sad, but a minus in the financial column.  Such is life on a farm.

Jan and Bruce's older granddaughter, Mattie, spent the day and night with them.  Uncle Glen and I so enjoy seeing all of the great-nieces/nephews.  

Nephew Mitchell was successful in harvesting a deer with bow/arrow.

Pictures later when the internet download speed is much faster.

We will be around here for a couple of more days.

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