Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014 A Chili Day

Everyone has different schedules after school.

Tanner had try-outs for soccer team.  He will learn the results tomorrow. We all are cheering for him!  He has "heard" that only two freshmen will make the team.

I made a double batch of chili;  one for tonight and one for the freezer.  Because we had corn-on-the-cob that needed cooking, we served that as a side to the chili.  Oh, man, that was delicious!!!

Glen washed the bugs/road debris from the windshields of both the pick-up and the motorhome.  There is rain forecast for the next several days.  

All of the boys---Landon, Brady, and Tanner, are near or over six feet (tall).  Tanner needs another inch to catch up with Landon.  It might be a while, or never, for them to catch up with Brady.

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