Thursday, November 6, 2014

11-6-214 Overnight with the Grandkids

Ashlynn and Zade are excited when they are "car riders" when school is dismissed.  We picked them up yesterday at dismissal time and went to their home.

It was an evening of spelling practice, reading chapter books: "Junie B Jones" for Ashlynn, "Green Eggs and Ham" for Zade, Wii baseball and football.  

I must not leave out puppy training:  lots of trips outside but no accidents inside from Max the Puppy.   His puppy teeth are sharp and pointed.  One must concentrate on keeping fingers out of his way when playing "keep a way" or fastening his leash.

The other grandparents are spending tonight and Friday night with them.  

Zade missed all of the flag football games because of the injury to his foot.  BUT, there is a make-up game Saturday afternoon.  He will get to play one game after all.

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