Sunday, November 16, 2014

11/16/14 We Escaped! (Zapata, Texas--winter home)

We escaped!  

We arrived! escaping the snow and sleet of the midwest--specificially southeast Missouri.

My sister in central Missouri reported six inches of snow and 24 degrees. Our daughter reports it was beginning to snow in northwest Arkansas early evening.  Our son reported that it was just beginning to snow there.  

However, when we arrived in Zapata it was 74 degrees, and the sun was shining!  

Mark, our neighbor around the corner, has the yard all mowed.  

But there is work to do.  It looks as if the birds have enjoyed being in the outdoor space.  (Hint: bird poop all over the concrete).  There's trees to trim.  As dry as it is in this area it is amazing how the mesquite trees grow from spring to early winter.  

Today's 535 miles was uneventful.  After we get in Texas we travel on "side" roads--no interstate.  Texas has great roads, wide with wide shoulders, often four-lane.  Most of the two-as well as four-lane roads have a speed limit of 70.  

Now that we are settled in for the winter, there may not be as much to write about, so if there isn't an entry, keep checking in.  Remember on the blog page you can sign up to be reminded when an entry is published.

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