Thursday, November 27, 2014


First.....we missed being with our family today!  It is the first time in a long time that there wasn't a family celebration.  But, each of our families have grown and  now want their own celebration and traditions.  We understand fully; it is the way it should be,  but, we still missed everyone of the locally owned Mexican restaurants cooked turkey and dressing (plus mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkin pie) for the community--free.  We shared a table with two couples from our neighborhood.  

No preparations, no cooking, and no clean-up!  

Third...After a nap (outdoors in the recliner) we walked to Jim and Dee's for a time of visiting.  There were two couples and a half (widow) there also.  

We hope you have had a grand day, also.  Family and friends, followed by good health, top the list of our blessings.  

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