Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20, 2014 Shopping

Yes, we went shopping on the Saturday before Christmas.

Most of the time was spent at Lowe's choosing supplies for Glen's ongoing project.  I know I haven't mentioned specifically what type of project; but, be patient for another week, and I will post pictures and details.  Got your curiosity up?

I did some grocery shopping at WalMart.  It was busy, but not THAT busy.  Of course, I only shopped in the grocery section!

We "spied" three of these along the highway, just east of the Rio Grande River.  They were spaced out over a stretch of 80-90 miles, or so.

Do you think you know what it is?  Spoiler alert!  Here's the description....

A 72' long unmanned surveillance blimp!  It is technology that was used in Afghanistan with the military, and now is being used along the Mexican border.  This particular type is tethered for communication purposes.  

Of course we always see Border Patrol and Highway Patrol vehicles as we travel.  We feel that the borders are well patrolled/guarded, and are very safe.

We were part of a small group of friends that helped Jim and Dee set up tables and hang Christmas lights in prep for the Christmas Eve pot-luck gathering.  

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