Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1-28-15 (the old familar) Streets of Laredo

Not that we need a reason to go to Laredo, but today we had a good reason.

Glen and Gary were prepared to install the bathroom vanity Monday when they discovered one end panel was broken/cracked/busted!  

Glen and Evelyn had some shopping to do in the "Guitar Center".  Evelyn found guitar thumb picks for her to use with her guitar.  Glen checked out some stands for his sound system speakers.  No luck, or....not what he wanted/was looking for.  What was in stock was too bulky for easy transport.  

Lowe's had a replacement/exchange for the vanity.  Of course Glen had a list of other needed items.

Glen then had a  HD signal splitter from Best Buy that he couldn't get to connect; it was turned in for store credit.

Evelyn and I shopped in the "Sketcher's shoe store while Glen was in Best Buy.  "Sketchers" didn't have any flip-flops or sandals in stock.  Too early in the season, I assume.

Lunch was at "Montana Mike's, a steak house.  We were served a tasty rib-eye steak with sides of baked potato and garden salad.  

Last stop of the day was....can you guess? WalMart!

When we got back home, Glen and Gary unpacked the bathroom vanity.  It looks good.  Only one water connection pipe needed moving, just a little bit, to the left.  Glen did that bit of plumbing; it has been checked for leaks--none.  The vanity will be set in place tomorrow along with the mirror and light fixture.

I think the hot water heater is slated for the next installation.

Jan and Bruce arrived at their home at mid-day.  Travel was uneventful.  

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