Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13, 2015 An Indoor Day

As nice as yesterday was, today was the opposite!

It was an indoor day!  Literally, we barely were outdoors all day.

I went to the outdoor kitchen, mixed up cornbread, and baked a skillet of cornbread to accompany the pot of navy beans and ham that Gary cooked!

Jan and Bruce were here to eat ham and beans with us at Gary/Evelyn's rig.

All six of us made a Blizzard run to Dairy Queen about 7:30 p.m.  Gay and Fred met us there.

That's it.  That's all for today.   

There was mist in the air and temperature were in the mid-forties all day.  Wednesday is forecast to be a duplicate of today.  THEN--temperatures rise and the sun shines.

Can't wait.

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