Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21, 2015 Where is Time Going?

The month of January is flying by!  Does it seem that way to you?  There's just ten days left in the month.

Our mail-forwarding service sent the past 4 weeks' mail.  There were even five Christmas cards in it.  

This morning I sorted, shredded, filed, and answered the mail.  This afternoon I read the few magazines I am still receiving.  

This afternoon I returned books to the library and checked out "new" ones to read.  I love reading.  It is my all-time hobby/activity.

Glen started washing the pick-up so I helped with that project.  We even washed floor mats, and vacuumed the carpet.  Two neighbors told us it was supposed to rain tomorrow.  It will be Glen's fault! LOL

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