Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015 Ah-h-h, the kind of day we have been waiting for!


A Nice Day!

There was a sunrise which means there wasn't any clouds.  The high reached 77 degrees!  There was a beautiful sunset.  

We, the four of us, mostly spent the day outdoors.

Our numbers are down to four as Jan and Bruce left this morning for Missouri.  Their grandchildren were calling Grandma's name! - or Grandma was calling their names.

Glen and Gary worked on the outdoor project--the new bathroom. 

The bathroom is not "outdoors".  There are walls and a roof.  It is in a room attached to our Outdoor Living Space.  It is "outdoors" compared to the one IN the motorhome.  

The walls are going to be lined with tin.  One wall has been done which allowed the toliet, the throne, the "john", to be installed.  The county had turned off the water for the entire neighborhood for several hours.  We didn't get to "flush" until nine o'clock this evening.  It all worked!

The Thursday night Jam Session has now been moved to Monday night!  There will be just one Jam Session on Thursday (in the afternoon).  Tonight Fred and Gay, Glen and Evelyn played and sang at the Amigo Inn Motel/RV Park.  The recreation hall was filled.  

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