Friday, March 13, 2015

3-13-15 Fish Fry

Afternoon Jam Session took place at Stinson's RV Park.  There were eight musicians.

Afterwards all of us joined Fred and Gay at Pizza Hut for dinner.

We were outdoors all day.  There were a few morning showers that made wonderful sounds on the tin roof.

I baked a cake in preparation for dinner tonight.

Marcella prepared a cabbage casserole.  Evelyn made corn bread.  All of these side dishes were for the fish fry.

Chef Jeff fried halibut for supper tonight.  We used the last two packages of our halibut, and three of Jeff/Marcella's.  He dredged each piece in flour, then into an egg/milk mixture, and finally into unseasoned bread crumbs.  It was De-e-li-cious!

After the wonderful meal and exchange of several stories about growing up on farms, dairy farms in Oklahoma and Missouri, we all played a couple of games of cards.  

Dishes are done, left overs are in in the refrig, and clean-up is complete.

More fun is planned for tomorrow.  Actually every day is fun.  Some is more planned than others.

These are Texas bluebonnets in bloom at the edge of Falcon Lake.  This is the first season we have ever seen them in this area.  They are fragrant as well as beautiful.

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