Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3-3-15 Hilltop Gardens, Lyford TX

Today all of us except Glen were part of a bus trip to Lyford Texas, north of McAllen, to visit Hilltop Gardens.  

"Located on over 400 acres in Lyford, TX, Hilltop Gardens is considered the historical home of Aloe in the US.  The ideal climate and nutrient-rich soil of this prime farmland produce some of the finest plants in the world, all of which are gorown naturally perfect without the use of pesticides."

Our bus group of 20 enjoyed touring the gardens with the leadership of the head botanist, Mr. Thornton.

We learned there are over 300 species of aloe vera in the world, most located in Africa, and most on the endangered list.

The memorial aloe garden at Hilltop contains over 200 species.

Following are some pictures from today's tours.  If I know the variety, I will label the picture; otherwise, just enjoy the beauty.
Grouping of bamboo

Ti plant

 The five below were taken in the aloe memorial garden.

Above is a lemon tree.

Grouping of Agave plants.  Tequilla is made from the fermented juice.  Agave sweetner is made from the juice before fermentation begins.

Bloom from "powder puff" tree.

Giant white bird of paradise.

More typical "bird of paradise."
Variety of cacti; notice the "folded" arm.

I am out of space.  May be a few more photos tomorrow.

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