Saturday, March 7, 2015

3-6/7-15 Wildlife

Let's see if we can get this to open. Now I can't get to quit playing--sorry.  
Yesterday Glen and I went to Laredo.
There were items to return to the Home Depot, things not used in the tiling project.
Of course, there was a stop at Walmart to refill a prescription. 
No matter how short the Walmart list, it always takes most of the day to go and return.

Gary is nearly sick with a cold.  
Marcella, Jeff, Evelyn, Glen and I played games last night:  Mexican Train, and cards.

Gary chose to stay home while the rest of us took a road trip.

We went to Salineo bird sanctuary.  Marcella and Jeff, as well as the rest of us, enjoyed seeing all of the birds.

We then went to Roma.  The town square is ringed by OLD, from the 1800's, buildings.  One is the hotel in the movie "viva, Zapata!" which starred John Wayne.

Enjoy these pictures: these were taken at Falcon State Park, Falcon Lake, TX

Javelina trying to reach prickly pear cactus.

There were four javelina in this troop.  


Pyrrahuxolia.  I call it a "wannabe Cardinal"

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