Saturday, April 4, 2015

4-4-15 A Sporting Day!

First there was an outdoor sport: trap shooting.

Brady, Tanner, and Natalie are all on the Greenwood High School trap shooting team.  Brady and Tanner did very well today; Brady had a 19 out of 25; and Tanner had 18 out of 25.  Natalie's level of concentration was low today and her score reflected the distractions.

Brady, 11th grader, age 17 1/2



Tanner, 9th grader, age 15 in 20 more days

Natalie, 10th grader, age 15 and 11 months
Glen and Tanner
Natalie, 10th grader, 16 next month.

It was a beautiful afternoon to be outdoors.

The other sporting event of the day was, of course, NCAA basketball.  I didn't really have a favorite, but there might have been a team that I didn't want to win.

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