Friday, May 15, 2015

5-15-15 One Well, and One with Fever

Early morning phone call from Darin alerted us to the fact that Zade was well and going to school.

Ashlynn still had a fever of 102 degrees; of course, no school!

The day got complicated as the hours passed.

What should come first?
*Sarah goes to Poplar Bluff for clinic hours each Friday. She rode with her secretary so Darin and kids could travel in the Toyota Highlander.
*Sarah's nephew is getting married Saturday in Poplar Bluff.  Tonight was rehearsal. Ashlynn and Zade both have duties in the wedding, need to be at rehearsal.

Darin was super busy at work.  Yesterday there was an adult abduction here in Cape Girardeau.  The victim escaped from the abductor in Illinois.  Because the crimes ocurred in two states the FBI is involved.  Imagine the amount of paperwork involved.

*as the day went on the (alleged) abductor was identified.
*the abductor was arrested near Chicago IL.
*Darin was the only Information Officer on duty.  There were various tv stations, newspapers, social media to be updated throughout the day.  Paperwork to file in two states, etc etc.

By noon Ashlynn was fever free.  

*Darin originally planned on leaving the office at two p.m., pick up Zade at school, come home and pick up Ashlynn and go to Poplar Bluff.

*SEE above points regarding being the only Information Officer on duty.

Glen picked up Zade at school.  After discussion with Darin he determined he could not leave the office in time to get Ashlynn and Zade to rehearsal on time.

We loaded up Ashlynn and Zade, their suitcases, wedding attire, and took them to Poplar Bluff.  Sarah was at her parents' home by the time we arrived 40 minutes before rehearsal.  

We ate supper at our favorite Chinese restaurant; then drove back to Cape Girardeau.  We talked to Darin as he travelled to Poplar Bluff.

We also volunteered to walk the dog while their (Darin/Sarah,) family is gone until tomorrow evening.  There was no need for them to take Max with them and him have to stay in his kennel all day.  We will give him walks throughout Saturday.  

Then there is Sunday:  the second day of a soccer tournament.  Thankfully the tournament is in Cape Girardeau.  The first game of the day is at 8:00; the next game at 10:00 a.m.  Obviously Zade won't play in the Saturday games.

Thunderstorms popped up while we were traveling.  We drove in a couple of rain storms that came down so quickly, and so hard that we could hardly see the vehicles in front of us.  By the time we got to Poplar Bluff the highways were dry.  No rain there.

Have a great week end.

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