Wednesday, June 24, 2015

June 23-24, 2015 Air Conditioners, Campfire, and Good-byes

Jeff and Marcella have been having issues with the air conditioner in their motorhome.  A few days ago it quit working.  Jeff got in touch with The Mobile RV Medic which is based here in this RV park.  The Mobile Medic suggested Jeff buy a A/C unit (which was on sale) from Camping World.

Yesterday, Jeff, Glen, and Gary went to the local Camping World and picked up the unit.  The Mobile Medic came to their site at six last night to start work on replacing the A/C Unit.  It was not difficult or long for the replacement to occur.

What did happen was the new one did not work either!  After investigation the Mobile Medic discovered several issues with the electricial wiring.  He worked until 9:30 p.m.

The A/C is working; the wiring has been re-routed to work until Jeff can get the MH to a place that can work extensively on untangling the wiring issues.

In the meantime, Doug, Mildred, Myrna, Marcella, and Evelyn went on a hike inside the Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  They enjoyed the hike, and deer, and turkey.  They also saw a black bear that was "going over the mountain".

After a supper of grilled brats a campfire was built to used to make "s-mores"!


Doug and Mildred headed east to their home just before eight a.m.  Myrna and Dick headed south to visit Dick's daughter in Dallas TX.

Marcella did laundry; Glen and I did laundry.

Gary and Evelyn using the leftover steaks, green peppers, and onions prepared a wonderful lunch of fajitas!

Everyone worked at putting away "outdoor" items as there was thunder rumbling, gray clouds, and an occasional raindrop on the awning.

The six of us played 19-point pitch (card game).  It was tied 3-3 for wins/losses.  We played one more for the World Champsionship.  Glen, Evelyn, and Jeff won that game to be declared the World Champions.

Tonight we drove to Canon City for  the most delicious pizza at "Pizza Madness" followed by a stop at Coldstone Creamery!

Gary and Evelyn will be leaving EARLY in the morning, heading to Oklahoma.  There's a birthday party for a great-granddaughter on Saturday.

We will be heading east not quite as early as Gary/Evelyn, heading east.

It has been the fastest week in the year!  We had a grand time with everyone.  It is good to spend time with family, catch up on family news, and make plans for the next family gathering.

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