Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015 Little Bit of Work, Little bit of Play

Glen went  to the "new" office where he scraped glue off of one wall.  That is a very time consuming job.

This afternoon we picked up Ashlynn and Zade.  Their cousin Caroline is acting as their nanny for the summer.  Caroline had some errands to do this afternoon.  

After we four ran a short errand we came back to the motorhome.  Glen and I found our swim suits, hoping they still fit.  I am not sure we were even in a swimsuit last summer!

This RV park has the best pool.  It is filled with salt water, has a new line, and is the perfect temperature.  We try to park here in the summer so Ashlynn and Zade can come visit with us and play in the pool.

Darin and Sarah are working, as most evenings, at the new office.  Ashlynn and Zade are spending the night with us.  Darin and Sarah can work as late as they want!

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