Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12, 2015 Family pictures from the week end

We were blessed to have both our children and their families as well as my sister/husband, one of their sons/wife/family; and one brother and three of his grandchildren near us all through the week end.

Here's a few pictures of our families.

 Cousins: Addison, Ashlynn, Zade, and Cash

 Zade and Cash enjoyed each other's company: lots of bike riding

 Ashlynn and Addison: some people couldn't tell them apart. Their dads are first cousins.  They love each other.

Ashlynn, Addison, and Natalie.

Trisha's boys and step children:  the oldest kids: Tanner, Brady, Natalie, Landon; Darin's kids (front two left) Zade and Ashlynn; Mitch's kids (front two right) Addison and Cash.

Mitch (my nephew--sister Jan/Bruce's younger son) hosted a fish fry Friday night--crappie that he caught, frog legs, chicken filets, french fries, and onion rings.  Um-mm-m! delicious.  Thanks, Mitch, and all the help and side dishes from everyone.

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