Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 16, 2015 No Matter How You Say It!

One Hundred One!
One Hundred Plus!
No matter how you say it...

IT IS HOT!!! That is the actual high without any humidity factored in!

We are appreciating our air conditioned home and vehicle!

We drove north from here to find the headquarters of the "Bell Cross"Ranch.  

Not only is the Bell Cross Ranch huge, over 130 thousand acres, it is known for an unsolved murder at the headquarters.  The son of the owner was killed in 1970 in a building near the home.  There has been no arrests.  It is still considered unsolved.

There is a book written about the murder that locals tell me is mostly accurate; and a movie that is not considered accurate.

We drove 2-3 miles off the main road to see the home and barns.  In addition to the main ranch (130,000A) there are three other ranches owned by the same family.

The pastures are described as "tall grass prairie."  There are rolling hills.  It is beautiful to drive through.  Many of the pastures/fields are filled with herds of the "wild mustangs." See blog yesterday.

It has been too HOT to go to the day time rodeo activities.  Many of these are preliminaries for the finals Saturday.  Two teams from Fred/Gay's church competed last night but were not successful in milking a wild cow, and team roping a cow.

Tonight Fred and Gay were scheduled to sing at the "Baptist Village" in their hometown of Cleveland, about 25 miles south of Pawhuska.  We drove down to join them.  Glen sang with them.  I sat in the audience!  There were about 40 Baptist seniors in the audience.

After the singing service we went to the home of Arleta and Donny, Fred's daughter and son in law.  Mike, Fred's son, and Fred co-own a mule colt, Topsy; and her mother who is carrying another colt.

 This is Topsy, four months old.
This is Mike, Fred's son, with Topsy.  Mike is working on "gentling" Topsy with the goal of first getting a halter on her.

We are enjoying the week.

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