Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 Par-tay!!

 Photobomber Ashlynn; Zade

Zade's birthday celebration at bowling alley!

 Celebrating last Monday's birthday at the bowling alley: Zade, age 7

Ashlynn on left; Zade with Cardinals cupcakes!

Zade celebrated his 7th birthday (last Monday was Birthday) this afternoon at the local bowling alley.
There were friends and family to celebrate with him.  He had the best time ever.

Glen and I worked at the office all day.  Glen painted.  I painted one wall, taped woodwork, then took Ashlynn and Zade to their house.  I played my first-ever game of "LIFE".  It is similar to Monolopy but doesn't take near as long for the game to end!

It was a day off from working at the office.  Glen and I went grocery shopping, filling the cupboards for the next week of "camping" on the Jack's Fork River.  We also will have Ashlyn and Zade with us us until Thursday afternoon.  Darin and Sarah will arrive Thursday afternoon.  

We met friends Jim and Sandy for lunch today here in Cape.  Jim and Sandy have been friends for 45 years!  They came to Poplar Bluff as youth minister before we had our first baby!  They have sold their home in PB, and are in the process of moving to Colorado to be with their younger son and family.  

Next Week--Monday through Monday
We will be along the river, in the valley, surrounded by hills which means no cell service.  We will go to the top of the hill or into town daily so send a text if you need to be in touch with us.  We will see/read the text at some point!  

Have a great week!  There will be one-hundred-plus cousins/spouses/children/grandchildren present.  Aunt Lois, the remaining sister of my dad, from Iowa will be there!

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