Friday, August 14, 2015

August 14, 2015 Bike Ride and Beach Time

Just get ready; there are going to be a lot of days just like today.

Sleep late; breakfast; bike ride; check out the beach.  Although bike rides may have to happen earlier in the day!  It is HOT here.  Today's high was 96 degrees.  I am ready for a cold front to go through!
There's no sitting out in the lounge chairs either.  

 Beautiful day for a sail--Pensacola Bay

 Artwork along Pensacola shores seen from Santa Rosa Island.

 The west end of Santa Rosa Island, home of Ft. Pickens.  More on the fort later.

 A great blue heron surveying his kingdom.

 The Gulf of Mexico--beautiful waters.

It is so clear.

The dead trees are a result of hurricanes of the mid 2000's bringing salt water over the island.

Have a great week-end.

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