Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19, 2015 Patriotic Goosebumps

Tuesday and Wednesdays are "practice" days for the Blue Angels, the Naval Air Performance Team.

Yesterday it was rainy.  Today there was practice. The Blue Angels are based just across the bay at the Pensacola Naval Air Station.  The manuevers took place over and all around the observers.

Key the patriotic music!  Stars and Stripes Forever.  God Bless America.  The National Anthem.

I know these pictures do not do justice to what I was seeing.  Each of these planes were going 1000 mph--fast!  

There was goosebumps when just one went screaming over where I was watching just a few hundred feet in the air.  

The precision for each maneuver is breath-taking.  Thinking about how much practice each pilot does for these routines-----I can't thinks of an adequate adjective--is amazing.

The pilots are performing just inches from each other.  

These performances are for Americans to remind us of our freedoms.

I also thought this morning of these planes and pilots working in times of war and conflict.  If I was an "enemy" and one or more of these planes went screaming over me I would be "afraid, very afraid."  
Yes, I had goosebumps and was teary-eyed as I watched these brave pilots--men and women.

Note:  Someone at the beach said the Blue Angels would be performing at KCI--the airport north of Kansas City this week end.  If that is so, and you are in driving distance.  Go--see--enjoy--the show of your life.

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