Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 8/9, 2015 More company

Friends, Pat and Gary, from Poplar Bluff called in the morning to say they were in CG, and would stop by for a little while.

Gary's brother Bill, who was the builder/contractor for our last home, was in the hospital.  Darin also worked some months for Bill.  

Pat and Gary came by the motorhome but I was out of commission.  A summer crud/allergy/virus--something-- had attacked me.  I didn't want to share germs so stayed in the back room.  

I stayed in the back room the rest of the day.

A good night's sleep and I felt much better this morning.  

There was a knock on the front door.  We opened the door and there was our friend, Brenda.  Brenda has flown in to town from south Texas to spend some time with her mother.  Ron, Brenda's husband, was unable to come along due to health issues.  

We first met Brenda and Ron at an RV rally about eight years ago.  I love  that RVing/travel allows us to make good friends!

I love drop-in and unexpected company.  

I am feeling better.  Thank goodness, I would hate to feel like I felt yesterday for more than one day.

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