Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9-15-15 The Waiting Game

Yesterday, Monday, we were up at O-Dark Thirty in preparation for the techs from Spartan Chassis to pick up the motor home.  

The techs finally came at 10:30.  The motorhome was returned at 4:30.  

And----the work is not finished.

The 44-point check list has been gone through.  Of course there are issues.  The technicians estimated another four hours of work today!

Today.  We are up at 6:15.  It is still dark!  The alarm is a scary sound at that time of day!  

The technicians are to arrive at 7:10.

There is a waiting room in at the service area.  There is also a pavillion in the overnight parking area.  Yesterday was a beautiful sun-shiny day.  That is where we waited throughout the day.  We have our "toys"--the Kindle, the I-phones.  Of course, being outside, it is a front row seat to watch all the comings and goings of the other RVs.  

There are other RV-ers wandering around to talk to.  

One lady groomed her dog.  

A 45-foot rig arrived, with a motorcycle lift attached to back of the rig and a big shiny yellow motorcycle, towing a pick up.  The pick up was unattached.  The owner hit the button to lower the motorcycle lift, and nothing happened.  

Of course there were two, three other men from the waiting area there to check out the problem and to offer opinions.  He changed out a valve, still didn't work.  A couple of hours later, the owner talked the Spartan people in to coming up with a fork lift.  The fork lift was inserted under the lift, up and over the safety bar, and the lift started working.  

It doesn't take much to entertain a bunch of waiting RV-ers with nothing to do.  There are always stories to exchange with other RV-ers!

1 comment:

  1. If you go to South Haven, MI. you should have lunch at Clementine's. It's great! Laurie
