Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9-16-2015 Chapter 2 for the day

The techs had the motor home from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Almost all the work is done.

Today's big project was replacing rear brake pads and drums.  A phone call from the tech informed us that they didn't have the correct size brake drum.  New and proper ones have been ordered and will be here tomorrow.

At least one more night here.  Depending on when the new brake pads arrive tomorrow will determine whether we leave or stay Thursday night.

Last Wednesday a young fireman in Lansing MI was working with his fellow fireman on the street corner to "fill the boot" for a charity.  Someone in a car didn't appreciate the delay, went down the street, turned around, came back and hit and killed Dennis Rodeman.  The funeral was today in Lansing;  The procession then came through Charlotte on the way to the cemetery.  The procession was heart breaking.

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