Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9-22-2015 Tuesday "HALF STITCHED, THE MUSICAL"

It has been a beautiful day in the neighborhood!  We are appreciating the high blue skies, the temps in the low 70's, low humidity.

The first thing on the list was a haircut for me.  Now, some of you may not appreciate how good a haircut makes you feel when the haircut is about three weeks overdue!

Our friends, Dave and Laurie, live about an hour south of here.  I emailed Laurie to ask about a salon.  She shared the name of her salon and stylist.  In fact, she had an appointment an hour after me.

We stayed after I was finished to visit with Laurie.  She was on her noon-hour.

Do you remember that Dave (Laurie's husband) and Glen were in basic and advanced training at Ft. Leonard Wood at the same time in 1968.  We have remained in touch and friends since then.

Dave is "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"!  Have you heard that saying?
Dave partner farms with Steve.  Steve just had quintuple bypass surgery, a combine has been in the garage, and a tractor just quit.  Dave was expecting the combine to be ready this afternoon.

Oh, before the heart surgery they agreed to combine an extra 1000 acres for someone else.  Friends have been offering to help Dave with the harvest.  Small communities still help one another when needed.

Anyway, didn't mean for that to be a chapter.

We drove from there to Shipshawana, an Amish community.  To celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary (the 16th) we enjoyed an Amish buffet before attending a performance at the "Blue Gate Theater".

This was a Broadway quality performance of "Half-Stitched, the Musical.  Six Loose Threads and an Amish Widow".

"What could possible go wrong when an Amish widow decides to teach a small weekend quilting class?  Cultures collide and personalities conflict when six loose threads and an Amish widow spend a weekend together learning a little about quilts, and a lot about themselves."  There was laughing, tears, and unforgettable melodies.

"Half Stitched" is based on Wanda Brunstetter's novel The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club.

Of course I bought the book and two follow up books.  I look forward to reading them.

It has been a good day.

Beautiful fall displays in Shipshawana.

1 comment:

  1. Good news! Tractor fixed and both combines are running! God is good! - Laurie
