Saturday, September 5, 2015

9-5-15 Retirement of American Flag

Our family group had noticed the American flag displayed in front of the RV park was well used.  Two days ago Sam, the office manager, notified us that there would be a retirement ceremony this morning.

This was the first retirement ceremony that Glen and I had attended.
A troop of Boy Scouts performed the ritual.

 Boy Scouts hoisting the new flag.

 A trumpet player performed "Taps".

 Holding the retiring flag over the coals.

 Proper disposal is over coals.

A Scout at solemn  attention during the disposal.

At attention.

The ceremony was proper, respectful, and patriotic.

Mildred and Doug left to return to their home.  Myrna and Dick departed, heading for a stop in Cape Girardeau, then on to North Carolina.

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn have gone shopping at Tanger Mall.  Traffic is horrific this Saturday morning of Labor Day Week end.

We are expecting friends, Janice and Richard Garrett, to arrive any time from their home near Joplin MO.  They are spending the afternoon with us.  We first met them in 1971 in Poplar Bluff MO.

Have a great holiday week end.

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