Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nov 17, 2015 "Alvin and the Chipmunks"/ Last night in Cape Girardeau

First: it is raining buckets!  Flash flood warnings declared.

Second: this is the last night this year in Cape Girardeau.  We said good night to Ashlynn, Zade, and Sarah tonight.  Darin is still in the deer woods.

Third:  We escorted Ashlynn and Zade to the ShowMe Center here in Cape Girardeau tonight to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks Live on Stage".  Ashlynn and Zade enjoyed it very much.  They both knew all the music.  Poppy and I thought it was LOUD!

We will be on our way to Poplar Bluff in the morning for dental appointments.  We plan on spending the night in Arkansas Wednesday night.

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