Monday, December 7, 2015

12/7//15 More Organized

We are, our place is, getting more organized.

I worked on the outdoor kitchen area today.  It is about ready for Chefs' Gary and Jeff!

Glen mowed the rest of the yard, and trimmed with the weed eater.  That made it all look better!

Glen is ready to tackle the leaky pipe in the bathroom.

We visited with Jim (Dee had a migraine); across the street neighbors LaDorra and Joe, another neighbor Dale.

It was good to see our church family yesterday.  There is only one other Winter Texan couple--Del and Jean--here.  There is a cookie exchange next Sunday afternoon.  Sunday, the 20th, there will be a "potluck" Christmas lunch following worship service.

Tomorrow night is the "Tuesday night Jam Session" at a nearby RV park.  You know Glen and I will be there.

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