Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16, 2015 Wednesday Movie Night

The past two days have been just like the other ten days we have been here.

Glen finished a small wiring project in the bathroom, preparing to move the washer/dryer out of the kitchen area.  Both appliances are now in the bath.

Both would have been hooked up, plugged and ready to use, but Dee, neighbor on next corner came over and visited for an hour.

Dee and Jim host a neighborhood Christmas Eve luncheon each year.  I think she said there would be 20 in attendance this year.

We went to church tonight to watch a movie entitled "War Room".  It is a powerful statement on praying and the power of prayer.  If the opportunity arises for you to see this, I would encourage and recommend that you do so.

I made a pot of Taco Soup in the slow cooker.  Thanks, daughter Trisha, for the recipe!

Darin shared the following story.

He (Darin) was standing outside the door of the school to pick up Ashlynn and Zade earlier this week. Zade is in second grade.  Zade's teacher walked out with Zade and commented---

teacher:  "your son!"
Darin:  "what about my son?"
teacher: "he decided to change his name today."
Darin: "oh, really.  What to?"
teacher: "Zade, show him your papers!"
teacher: "Zade signed every one of his papers today with "THE Zade!"

THE Zade!

Laurie S. thanks for the message!  I re-read the blog.  I didn't burn two "batches", just two cookie sheets full!

1 comment:

  1. I think THE Zade is quite appropriate!!! Don't know why his parents didn't think of it!!! Laurie
